Garden Chefs Field Trip
At Waiahole Nursery we grow a variety of produce to sell and serve in our bistro. During this field trip students will participate in this cycle of growing, preparing, and eating fresh local food. Students will learn about healthy food choices, harvesting and food safety, and meal preparation using ingredients from our nursery and aquaponics system. In addition to touring the aquaponics systems, they will learn to identify common seeds, go over the MyPlate food groups, and practice proper knife safety and food handling. By the end of the day your class will have prepared at least three recipes to try during lunch!
Standards Alignments
HCPS - Health (all grades):
Standard 1: CORE CONCEPTS—Understand concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention
Standard 3: SELF-MANAGEMENT—Practice health-enhancing behaviors and reduce health risks
Standard 4: ANALYZING INFLUENCES—Understand the influences of culture, family, peers, media, technology, and other factors on health
HCPS - Health (all grades):
Standard 1: CORE CONCEPTS—Understand concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention
Standard 3: SELF-MANAGEMENT—Practice health-enhancing behaviors and reduce health risks
Standard 4: ANALYZING INFLUENCES—Understand the influences of culture, family, peers, media, technology, and other factors on health
Next Generation Science Standards
K-LS1-1. Use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including humans) need to survive.
4-LS1-1. Construct an argument that plants and animals have internal and external structures that function to support survival, growth, behavior, and reproduction
5-PS3-1. Use models to describe that energy in animals’ food (used for body repair, growth, motion, and to maintain body warmth) was once energy from the sun
5-LS1-1. Support an argument that plants get the materials they need for growth chiefly from air and water.
K-LS1-1. Use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including humans) need to survive.
4-LS1-1. Construct an argument that plants and animals have internal and external structures that function to support survival, growth, behavior, and reproduction
5-PS3-1. Use models to describe that energy in animals’ food (used for body repair, growth, motion, and to maintain body warmth) was once energy from the sun
5-LS1-1. Support an argument that plants get the materials they need for growth chiefly from air and water.